Tuesday, December 14, 2010

author's note

racism hurts. no matter who its coming from. it makes you very self conscious about yourself and where you're from. even if you try not to show it, it hurts internally. even those little 'just kidding' or 'no offense' comments make you feel strange, different, an outsider. at least that is what it makes me feel.

racism is when you judge someone because of what they look like, where they are from, or even what religion they are.
the civil rights act of 1964 banned discrimination in all public places because of race, color, religion or national origin. But still, some places preferred to close down, instead of serving their white and black costumers equally, and also legally.
everyone knows thatparents have a big influence on their kids. the kids adopt the ways of the parents, their features, but also, their actions. if a parent is racist, it is most likely that their children will also be racist. for example, in australia they have an anonymous phone service that allows children to call anonymously and express themselves about racism. one in particular caught my attantion:

i believe that parents should think about what they are going to do or say in front of their children because; if you don't like it when someone is racist against you, then you shouldn't be racist towards anybody else.

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